
Remote Working - Avoiding the Pitfalls

Instituting a work from home policy can be a great addition to your dynamic organization. With the growth of technology, working from home has seen massive growth in businesses. The benefits of this work can be both an improvement to employee morale and culture while additionally driving speed and productivity. On the contrary, setting up the capabilities and infrastructure could be challenging for your business with no real blueprint available. If not prepped, managers and subordinates could fall flat, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of the company. To avoid remote work from becoming a vacation, here are some implementations to help keep you on track.

Communication. Communication. Communication. Where companies fail often is from the process of communication within the organization. Before implementing remote work capabilities, dedicate time to train managers on what your expectations are. Make sure you have clear direction and objectives for the timeline of work to be completed so your managers can keep routines running as ordinary as possible. For example, best practices we suggest to manage remote workforce would be:

  • 1. Daily/Weekly: Conduct Daily or Weekly Stand Ups with your teams
  • 2. Weekly: Plan to meet 1:1 with each employee on a weekly basis
  • 3. Monthly: recognize your top performers, continue to keep them engaged

To monitor productivity effectively, set clear communication expectations for your team's managers and employees. Each day should start with a meeting where leaders can set up the foundation and structure. Video meetings are a fantastic moment for your charismatic leaders to relay core values and goals clearly to the rest of the team. Video is mandatory for these meetings, and team members should be encouraged to comment on others' work processes and their goals for the day. This time should also be focused on transparency. Using a scheduling linking software can be useful to know when someone is available. Knowing when someone is going to lunch, on a break, or away from their computer can help streamline speed and productivity.

Lead with trust, though it may be tempting to micro-manage your team. Micro-managing will only reduce performance and ruin the environment. Give faith to your direct managers to lead their teams through the process and designs you have created and allow them to succeed. When implemented correctly, the advantages of work-life balance and speed can produce exceptional results with a positive atmosphere surrounding it.